The first step in your journey

New to Islam? Learn the basics of your Deen here.

We offer short and easy courses to introduce you to the foundations of Islam from authentic sources.

muslimah learning Quran

Our Courses

Here’s a sneak peek to our courses:

The Prayer: Simplified

This is Part 1 of The Prayer series. This course will give you a brief overview of all aspects of prayer.


All you need to know about purification, including purity; the importance and types of purity.

The Prayer: Step by Step

This is Part 2 of our The Prayer series. If you have not yet completed Part 1, please do so before continuing with this.

Student Testimonials

“Masha Allah I'm so excited to start on this journey of knowledge.... there's so much beneficial information on here, from authentic sources... As new revert Muslims, we need to be careful that what we are learning is proper and authentic, in order to not be misguided or lead astray in shaa Allah I can’t wait to perfect my salah 🙂 and learn about wudu & ghusl. The website is easy to navigate and very aesthetically pleasing, not overwhelming or too busy. And the fact that the knowledge is all free Alhamdulillaah. JazaakaAllaahu khairan!!"
- K
"I had found this website only a week ago and decided to sign up for The Prayer: Simplified course. Just a few sections into the course, I had begun to learn things about Islam that I had not known before. The details of the material in this course have helped me better understand the meaning of prayer and how it is more than just prostration and recitation. It's taught me that the word 'salah' actually has three meanings which are all incorporated into the act of Salah. Thank you to the creators of this educational website! It's been very beneficial to someone who is wanting to learn more about Islam before reverting."
- J
Would you like to leave a testimonial? Send us an email to!
JazakumAllahu khayran

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